Международное Евразийское Движение
The images | The genesis of Party ''Eurasia'' | Part 5 | Political conference | "Russia 2003: Elections and religious confessions"
    14 марта 2003, 14:17

The history of Eurasian party in images

Part 1. First party congress of "Eurasia". Creation of new political party

Part 2. The neo-eurasian pre-history

Part 3. The russian social-politic mouvement "Eurasia". First steps as new political power

Part 4. The political conference 30.03.2002. The radical decision: let the New Party be

Part 5. Political conference "Russia 2003: Elections and religious confessions"

5. Political conference "Russia 2003: Elections and religious confessions"

Leader of Eurasia party with the chief of Kalmyk buddist Dordjee-lama

Dugin and father Vsevolod Chaplin, vice-president of Council of Extarnal Church relations of Moscow Patriarcat

The prominent russian analystes V.Tretyakov and Gleb Pablovsky

Pavlovsky, Dugin and famous tartar writer Emil Mustafin

Pavlovsky,Guskov (young party activist) and Dugin

Dugin and islamic mufties - member of High Council of Party

Father Vsevolod with the great mufty of Chuvashia Albir-hozrat

The audiance (in front Pavlovsky and Tratyakov) reading party news paper Eurasian Observer

Dugin with prominent russain economist and politician of the leftist cam, ex-minister of economy of Russian federation Serguey Glaziev

Материал распечатан с информационно-аналитического портала "Евразия" http://med.org.ru
URL материала: http://med.org.ru/article/1064