Международное Евразийское Движение
Dugins books | 2004
    3 августа 2004, 19:02

Alexander Dugins books

The Path of Absolute(1990)

Greate War of Continents (English translation) (1992)

The hyperboreen Theory (1993)

The Conservative Revolution (1994)

The Foundations of geopolitics (1995)

The Mistery of Eurasia (1996)

The Metaphysics of Evangile (1996)

The knights templars of proletariat (1997)

The Russian Thing 2 v. (2000)

The Philosophy of traditionalosm (2002)

The evolution of basic paradigms of science (2002)

The Foundations of Eurasism (2002)

The Philosophy of Politics (2004)

The Eurasian Project (2004)

The Eurasian mission of Nursultan Nazarbaev (2004)

The Eurasian Military doctrine (2004)


Материал распечатан с информационно-аналитического портала "Евразия" http://med.org.ru
URL материала: http://med.org.ru/article/1883