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    Texts | Dugin | War of continents | Part I | suite | 1990 Напечатать текущую страницу
     KGB at the service of the “Dancing Death” 

              Pierre de Villemarest rightly defined the Cheka (OGPU, NKVD, KGB) as the “continuation of the party”.

    It would be even more precise to say that it is the secret centre of the party, its mind and its soul. Jan Parvulesco has supplemented this definition by occult geopolitical measurement. According to Parvulesco, KGB is the centre of the most straight influence of the Atlantic Order, Order of the Dancing Death. KGB is a cover for this Order. Many had guesses about an occult background of this organization. Some even spoke about presence in KGB of a secret organization of parapsychological studies, about the so-called black-magic “Company of Viy”,2 where all the leading political figures of the USSR received, so to speak, their consecration. However, hearings about the mysterious “Company of Viy”, most likely, are but the oversimplified and grotesque description of a much subtler and deeper reality, as the occult mission of KGB is not at all reduced to magic or parapsychological experiences, to which, we shall notice, this organization really always showed some abnormal, heightened interest. KGB was initially planned as the only ideological-punitive structure called to supervise above the subjects of the communist social and cultural space. The communists in their ideological, messianic, Marxist dimension, in relation to the eurasian population of the regions subject to them, always erected themselves as colonizers, as newcomers, always keeping an ideological distance from the needs, requirements and interests of the indigenous population. At the purely “ideal” level, they aimed at imposing to the eurasian peoples an economy-centered model unnatural for them - which compelled the former to use a repressive apparatus. The Cheka (NKVD, OGPU, KGB) was initially the parody of the “knightly-ideological” order called to punish the autochtones and to stifle their natural inclination for the “soil”. Cheka (and KGB) also professed the thesis of “blood over soil”, but already in its completely misunderstood, blood-sadist variant, as a disturbing memoir of the bloody phoenician cult of Moloch, to which the atlantist agents were typologically and generically linked. Cheka-KGB always served the “Dancing Death ”, and many paradoxes and unreliable (because of their inhumanity) histories linked to this dark organization become more clear, if we shall take into consideration the not only metaphorical, but occultist-esoterist connection of this Order to the most ancient middle eastern cults, whose adherents never ceased to exist actually, continuing the secret chain through secret european and middle eastern organizations of atlanist kind. 

    Convergence of intelligences and the “polar mission of GRU” 

     The CIA, as an instrument of the American atlantism, typologically belongs to same conspirological category. Moreover, at the origins of this organization we find outstanding figures of the american masonry - which, by the way, the european masons consider as irregular, that is heretical and sectarian. (However a question here follows from necessity: is there in the US as a whole anything, in the sphere of religion or metaphysics, that would not be heretical and sectarian?) The CIA, as KGB, was never indifferent to magic and parapsychology, and on the whole its role in modern civilization is quite comparable to KGB's role, though the blood-sadist substance in this case is not so obvious. The CIA (and its forerunners) together with the english secret services, since the beginning of the century have filled Eurasia with a network of agents, which constantly influenced the course of historical events in atlantist key. Somehow, it is quite possible to speak about “convergences of special services”, about “merger” of KGB and CIA, about their lobbyist unity at a geopolitical level. This explains such an abundance of so-called “Soviet spies ” in the highest regions of american power, from Hiss to Reserford, who, according to some authors, transmitted the project of the hydrogen bomb to Soviet nuclearists. (It is possible, by the way, that just within the atlantist lobby of the Soviet-American nuclear scientists, the academician Sakharov acquainted himself with mondialist projects of the anti-eurasian orientation, upon which he later based his social and political and futurological views.) It is necessary to notice that the doubling of the KGB agents network in the US and other anglo-saxon countries by the GRU agents network was laid in constant secret conflict with “neighbour”agents of Lubyanka; and given the radical contradiction of geopolitical and even metaphysical orientation of these two Soviet secret structures, it would be logical to suspect that the true and only oppositor of the CIA were the GRU agents, and not at all KGB. These convergence of secret services, as well as the converging realignment of the Soviet communists of the highest echelon with American mondialists, are grounded on the unity of fundamental geopolitical orientation, on the unity of a secret structure, which makes use both of West atlantists and atlantist agents in the East, sometimes occupying the highest places in the state and political nomenclature. But the complete and open merger of these two affiliations of the Order of the Dancing Death from a certain moment was hindered by the efforts of the alternative eurasian lobby, genetically linked to GRU and to the Soviet General Staff, but also including in its network many european and asian intelligence structures (especially from Germany, France - linked to general de Gaulle’s secret geopolitical projects- Arab countries, and so on), united at the service of the alternative Order, the Order of Eurasia - otherwise called as the society of the “minstrels of Mursya” or as the polar “Order of Heliopolis”, Order of Apollon, solar winner of the Snake-Python, that Snake which the Greek tradition identified with the Egyptian god Seth, with the Red Ass. 

    Rise and eclypse of the Eurasian Sun 

              Let us now briefly outline the peripeties of the occult war of the Eurasian Order against the Atlantic Orders within the Soviet system. As we have said in the previous chapters, Lenin as a whole adhered to the Eurasian attitude. It is characteristic that during his leadership the GRU was created and directed by the sincere eurasist Semyon Ivanovich Aralov. Aralov himself permeated the structure of this secret army organization with eurosian continental principles, gathering around himself the most valuable and efficient “brothers of Eurasia”, who like him were sent among the red ranks for accomplishing their special metapolitical mission. It is curious that at the beginning of the ‘60s Aralov released a book under the expressive title “Lenin led us to victory ”. It is necessary to remark here one relevant detail: the so-called “leninist guards”, despite of political affinity to Lenin, at a geopolitical level belonged in the overwhelming majority to the alternative, Atlantic geopolitical orientation. “Lenin’s nearest collaborators”, and not at all “the ambitious tyrant Stalin” (as many still today wrongly consider), stood behind his demise from the government of the country. The end of the leninist leadership marked in itself the passage of power in the hands of the atlantists, and as a matter of fact, during the second half of the ‘20s - first half of the ‘30s we are witness of a significant improvement of the relations between the USSR and the anglo-saxon countries, and first of all the US. In a parallel way to this we see also symptomatic permutations of cadres within the GRU. The atlantist and chekist Berzin, creating an intelligence structure with the support of Komintern and communist zealots, i.e. of atlantist elements, is appointed to replace the eurasist Aralov. But even Berzin fails to change the orientation of GRU. The structures created by Aralov are strong and at the same time flexible enough to surrender without fight. Despite of all Cheka-NKVD attacks against the army, the military have significant authority and preserve their intellectual geopolitical elite in the ranks of GRU. One curious detail deserves notice - all the chiefs of GRU who replaced Aralov prior to the beginning the Great Patriotic War, were executed. We list them: O.A. Stigga, A.M. Nikonov, Ya.K. Berzin, I.S. Unschlikht, S.P. Uritskiy, N.I. Yezhov, I.I. Proskurov. All of them (except for general Proskurov) were the not military cadres, all of them worked against the eurasian idea, but it did not prevent the GRU to remain the only eurasian organization secretly acting to the accomplishment of the great continental project. The dismissal of Berzin in 1934, after nine years’ stay as the head of GRU, meant a severe crisis in the occult war behind the scenes of the Soviet government. Hitlers’ coming to power had extraordinarily strenghtened the positions of the “continental lobby” within the Soviet government. In 1934 GRU agents begin to prepare the German-Russian strategic union reaching its summit with the Ribbentropp-Molotov. Stalin definitively reveals his support to the eurasian orientation, believing that the anti-atlantic tendencies of national-socialism will attract on themselves the attention of the anglo-saxon powers and that in such situation it will possible, at last, to open the way to the destruction of the powerful “atlantic” lobby within the USSR. The destruction of the “leninist guards” begins. All stalinian processes, sometimes apparently absurd and completely groundless, were actually deeply substantiated at a geopolitical level. All “right” and “left-wing” conspiracies were perfectly real - although to directly call them by name and to incriminate the whole “atlantist lobby ”, acting already for a long time in the Soviet government, Stalin did not resolve to. Probably, he had reasons to be afraid of a terrible and cruel reaction. Therefore he was compelled to mask his claims on this or that group of the high-ranking cadres through “relative” charges and allegorical labels. Layer after layer, Stalin liquidated the influential agents of “New Carthago”, but also the inverse reaction was unavoidable. An especially severe impact on the eurasian lobby was the killing of the head of the “Polar” lodge within the Red Army, marshall Tukhachevsky. Though also in this case the revenge of the atlantists on Tukhachevsky and all claims showed against him were deeply substantiated, this was only true in the specific “atlantist” perspective, in the context of anti-eurasian sabotage. 


    (1) It must be remarked that in Haushofer's theory of "vital space", “Lebensraum”, there was no allusion to any anti-slavic expansionism, while the two expressions became associated for Hitler and other ideologists of the Third Reich (See Karl Haushofer De la géopolitique Ed. Fayard, France, 1986). [Author's note]

    (2) Imaginary figure from Gogol's fiction; leader of demons, vampyres, witches. [Ed. note]


    Александр Дугин: Постфилософия - новая книга Апокалипсиса, Russia.ru

    Валерий Коровин: Время Саакашвили уходит, Georgia Times

    Кризис - это конец кое-кому. Мнение Александра Дугина, russia.ru

    Как нам обустроить Кавказ. Валерий Коровин в эфире программы "Дело принципа", ТВЦ

    Спасти Запад от Востока. Александр Дугин в эфире Russia.Ru

    Коровин: Собачья преданность не спасет Саакашвили. GeorgiaTimes.TV

    Главной ценностью является русский народ. Александр Дугин в прямом эфире "Вести-Дон"

    Гозман vs.Коровин: США проигрывают России в информационной войне. РСН

    Александр Дугин: Русский проект для Грузии. Russia.Ru

    4 ноября: Правый марш на Чистых прудах. Канал "Россия 24"

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